In the bustling heart of New York City, amidst the towering skyscrapers and the constant hum of city life, emerged the Golden Coffee House—a haven for coffee enthusiasts seeking refuge from the urban chaos. This charming independent cafe was the brainchild of a dynamic duo, both seasoned veterans of the vibrant New York coffee scene.
Having spent years honing their craft in some of the city's most iconic coffee establishments, Alex and Mia envisioned Golden Coffee House as a sanctuary for those who appreciate the nuanced flavors of a perfectly brewed cup. Their expertise was not only in the science of coffee but also in understanding the communal spirit that a great cafe embodies.
In the heart of the concrete jungle, Alex and Mia had created a golden oasis where every cup told a story, and every sip was a moment of pure bliss.
Golden Coffee Cafe @ Java
123 Java Street
Brewville, CO
Golden Coffee Cafe @ Espresso
987 Espresso Avenue
Roastington, CA
7AM - 4PM
8AM - 3PM December 23
8AM - 3PM December 24
CLOSED December 25 - December 28
8AM - 3PM December 29
8AM - 3PM December 30
8AM - 3PM December 31
10AM - 2PM January 1